Back-to-School Handwriting

Create Your Own Printable Handwriting Worksheets

Customizable handwriting worksheets are a wonderful tool for making handwriting practice more fun! Here are two great sites for making a variety of handwriting worksheets using your own vocabulary words.

The Handwriting Worksheets Wizard lets you create worksheets for printing or cursive, Zaner-Bloser or D’Nealian. You can choose the letter size and a variety of display styles. This is perfect for teachers, home school, and just general practice! (thanks Wendy)

My Moondrops also has a similar worksheet generator for print only.

Coloring Pages Preschool Printables Spring Printables St. Patrick's Day

Lucky Clover Count and Color Worksheet

St. Patrick’s Day and Lucky Clovers go hand in hand! Test your luck finding skills in our latest printable activity made just for this lucky Irish holiday. Print, color and count the four leaf clovers – how many did you find?

Click on the image above to view and print the activity full size or download the St. Patrick’s Day Lucky Clover Color and Count Activity as a PDF file.

Get more St. Patrick’s Day Printables and Games

Birthday in a Box

Pencil Fun

Junie B. Jones Printables

Junie B JonesMy girls love the popular book series, Junie B. Jones! I just found that the Junie B. site has all sorts of fun printable activity sheets. Activities include a word jumble, word search, tic-tac-toad, a joke book, a picture search and more. Additionally, you can send an Junie B. e-card, color online with Junie B. and take the Junie B. Jones trivia quiz.

Go to the Junie B. Jones activity page

Pencil Fun Preschool Printables

Ballerina Dot-to-Dot Coloring Sheet

Ballet printableFollow the dots and then color the ballerina in our latest coloring sheet geared towards girls!

Ballerina Dot-to-Dot Coloring Sheet Download

More great printables for girls:

Printable Webkinz activities

Littlest Pet Shop coloring pages

Princess printables

American Girl printable activities